After studying a Bachelor Degree at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, master´s degrees in both classical and contemporary percussion followed at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München under Prof. Raymond Curfs.

As a Soloist, Daan Wilms, was highly acclaimed for musicality, creativity and technique by Juries at international competitions winning many prices, among others 1st prize at the Nürnberg Percussion Competition 2022 (Germany), 1st prize at the Belfius Music Competition (Belgium), Kulturkreis Wettbewerb Gasteig 2023 (Germany) In 2023 he was selected as the first ever classical percussionist in the series ´the Twenties´ by Belgian Radio and Television. He regularly plays with his own MOTION Ensemble (Percussion) and Duo Percussion/Piano with Dorenda Notermans.

His enthusiasm for contemporary compositions and novel performance pratices led to intensive personal collaboration with numerous renowned composers, such as Steve Reich, Krsysztof Penderecki, Helmut Lachenmann, Wim Hendrickx.

He regularly plays as an orchestral member with orchestras such as the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, Bavarian State Opera, Munich Radio Orchestra, Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, Royal Flemish Opera and La Monnaie/de Munt (Brussels).